Historical Background

MSTC Limited is a Mini Ratna Category-I PSU under the administrative control of the Ministry of Steel, Government of India. The company was set up in 9th September 1964 to act as a regulating authority for export of ferrous scrap with an investment of Rs 6 lakh. Government of India, Members ofSteel Arc Furnace Association and members of ISSAI had made with the investment.

MSTC became a subsidiary of SAIL in 1974. In 1982, it got delinked from SAIL and became an independent company under Ministry of Steel. It was a canalizing agency for import of ferrous scrap till 1992.

Our Activities:

In an effort to Recycle Waste, Protect Environment and Promote Growth, MSTC has developed a series of initiatives.
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   Financial Results

Since inception, MSTC has always made profits and has paid dividends to its shareholders. The shareholders' investment in the company was Rs. 1.10 Crore and by issuing bonus shares @1:1, the paid up capital was increased to Rs. 2.20 Crore in 1992-93. It has issued further Bonus Shares 3:1, raising the paid-up capital to Rs. 8.8 Crore. In 2011-12 the company declared dividend @ 1077%.

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