How to register:


Please click > E-Commerce Select Supplier


One set of terms and conditions will appear on the screen. Please click ‘agree’.


One pro-forma will appear on the screen.


Please fill the form.


Please agree terms and conditions.


Please click ‘submit’ button.


Please note you are to protect your own ID & Password and e-mail ID.


To complete the registration, vendor has to submit following documents to MSTC:


i)          2 nos. colour passport photograph

Notarized copy of  PAN Card

Notarized copy of Sales Tax/Vat Registration Certificate, Trade License  etc.

One certificate from Bank (where you are maintaining Account)


This will complete registration. (However mere Registration does not confer any right for participation) Only eligible vendors as per the terms & conditions of e-procurement process only will be activated to participate in the respective E-Procurement events for respective item as per tender terms.







1.     For registration, the supplier will have to go to & then click on the link e-procurement. Then the e-procurement home page will open.**

2.     The supplier will have to select “supplier” from the drop down menu  which is located next to New user in the e-procurement home page.

3.     On selecting “supplier” from the drop down menu, immediately a set of general terms & conditions will appear which governs the use of the portal and the supplier will have to “click” on “I agree” which is at the end  of the General terms.

4.     Subsequently, the Supplier registration format will open which the supplier will have to fill up. Care has to be  taken that all the “ * “ marked format is filled up. NOTE:- The user name &  password is generated by the supplier and is to be kept confidential at the supplier’s end and should not be disclosed to any body.

5.     Once the format has been filled up and submitted online, the following documents have to submitted to MSTC for activation of the registration:-

1.Notarized copy of the PAN card.

2. Notarized copy of the valid VAT/Sales tax registration certificate.

3.One certificate from the Bank where you are maintaining your Account.

4.2 colour Passport size photographs of the authorized person.


The above documents have to be submitted to MSTC at the following address:-

Contact Person:-

Sri S. K. Podder
Sr. Manager(e-Commerce)

225F AJC Bose Road,
Kolkata-700 020.

Phone: (033)2290 1004(D)

Sri Arindam Bhattacharjee
Asst. Manager(e-Commerce)

225F AJC Bose Road,
Kolkata-700 020.

Phone: (033)2290 1004(D)

**- In the right hand side of the web page at, the necessary details of obtaining a digital signature is given. Please Click on the link and one page will appear giving details of the procedure to be followed and the names of the Certifying Authorities (Those who issue Digital Signatures). Each name of Certifying Authority is linked to their individual Home pages.


You may approach any one of them for obtaining a class-2/3 Digital certificate on USB token(as mentioned in terms & conditions).